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Click here to see how to play the Making Sense Game.


Who Will Grow

  • Children who tend to look at only the first few sounds in a word and guess the word without thinking about meaning
  • Children who confuse similar words during reading
  • Children who need to work on comprehension
  • Children who need to connect thinking with reading sentences


How They'll Grow

  • Enhance sentence problem solving skills
  • Sharpen comprehension ability
  • Make connections between word reading and sentence meaning
  • Develop the reading strategy of making sense of text



Strategically placed mistaken words within sentences is a fun and engaging way to help students practice problem solving and word strategy skills.  As the student reads the sentence, they will use their thinking skills to realize that the sentence doesn't make sense.  Then they will use problem solving to decide on the mistaken word and what the word is supposed to be.  There are 'same sound' clues (between the mistaken and correct words) to help the student dial in on the only word that would make sense in that sentence.  The mistaken words are realistic mistakes that students would make while reading, unless they are using the making sense strategy.  The game resembles a memory match style to add some fun and friendly competition. 


Game Contents

24 Sentence Cards

24 Word Cards

  1 Directions Card



Directions: Place the word cards face down in a 4x6 array. Pass out the sentence cards equally among you and your student. Place them in a faced down pile in front of each player. When it’s your turn, flip over the card and read the sentence (help your student if need be). Then, choose a word card to flip over. If the word can be replaced in the sentence and makes sense, the player keeps the cards. If not, flip back over the word card and put the sentence card down in front of you face up. When it’s your turn again, you can either draw a new sentence card to try to match a word with it OR use an already read sentence that is lying face up in front of you.



Making Sense Game

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