Our mission

Our heart beats for children who have been labeled: behind, slow, special, below, struggling, different, or any other sticker that may make them think they are less. Just because they don’t fit into the scripted ‘education system box’ only means the box is too small.
We feel the pain of parents and caregivers who watch as their children wilt under the embarrassment and frustration of under performing. We have known their helplessness, hopelessness, and heartache.
We believe in teachers who are caught in the tension of demands to follow dictated methods versus doing what they know is best for kids in need. We support those teachers who want to give more to help students but have found themselves run over by the grind of marching the curriculum forward.

Therefore, our mission is to equip parents and caregivers to encourage and empower their young children to grow from behind and find success, confidence, and critical skills to become the amazing people they were created to be.
Our drive is to bring hope, joy, and peace to families (blood or otherwise) by providing tools and platforms that bring them together and help them grow forward.