Reading tutoring kits to help your child succeed.
Starting at $19.99
Mini tutoring sessions to help your child succeed in a given concept.
Easy to use materials and instructional videos for parents and child.
Topics for lessons inspired by parent requests.
Mini-Session Kits
Click here for a free trial of our reading tutoring kit!
If your child is a little behind and you’re looking to help them get ahead, tutoring can be expensive and time consuming.
I created Grow Their Brain to offer busy families a budget friendly alternative for elementary age tutoring.
My kits provide everything you need to help your child GROW forward in
fun & engaging ways!

Why We Do This
Our heart beats for children who have been labeled: behind, slow, special, below, different, or any other sticker that may make them think they are less.
We feel the pain of parents and caregivers and we have known their helplessness, hopelessness, and heartache.
Our drive is to bring hope, joy, and peace to families (blood or otherwise) by providing tools and platforms that bring them together and help them grow forward.

Helping you to help them!
About Me
Holly Bertram, M.Ed.
Partnering with children to help them grow academically, socially and emotionally is my passion.
In nearly two decades of education experience, I have taught or tutored over 400 students. As an educator and a parent, I’ve developed this passion for equipping parents to become partners with their own children.
When my son was diagnosed with dyslexia in 5th grade, I devoted my extra time and efforts to helping him find success. I learned first hand that finding effective tools is overwhelming. I spent countless hours searching for solutions and ideas, trying to weed out the effective from the ineffective.
That’s why I have created effective, proven resources for parents to find success in helping their children grow.